Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What do you see as your role in a public governing board? (question from selection committee)

The purpose of the Board of Education, on behalf of the citizens of Utah, is to ensure that the board achieves the general control and supervision of the public education system of Utah avoiding those behaviors and situations that should be avoided.

I will not be just a name on a paper for the constituents of District 9.  I will become a person they can rely on to represent them.  I will do this through the following three promises.  1)  I will always read research and study every item before I vote, I will never vote present or go with what “feels good” at the moment.  2)  I will continue to attend local board meetings, community councils, and parent organization meetings at the schools in the district to discover the unique needs of the students I represent.  3)  I will be available to the constituents. I will publish my cell phone and e-mail where I can be informed of ideas and concerns.  I will develop an interactive web page that contains a blog, links, and forums to inform members of District 9 about current issues the Board of Education is addressing and how it will impact their students.

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